What is Thetahealing?

The below post was shared on my newsletter list, “Inspiration for your Inbox.” If you enjoy it, please consider signing up below. Content Warning: I do speak about the subject of trauma in this Inspo. Please do not read if you feel this may be triggering or cause harm. 

So I’ve been getting this question quite a bit lately and it makes perfect sense, as I have never really explained Thetahealing.

It’s partially because it can feel tricky to explain as it is such a personal experience and so different for each client and partially because I used to feel like it was “too far out there” for people to grasp and/or believe possible.

Well, as I have shared recently, I have been learning that in order to be my whole self and love my whole self that means sharing the whole me and my experiences.

And the “far out there” and what is possible in this life has kinda been the path I’ve been walking for some time now.

So, I am going to do my best to explain Theta in the way I know how.

Please know that you can always shoot me an email and I’ll do my best to share what I have experienced. When I notice the same question coming in then I know it’s time to go to those places too, so it is all very helpful.

I first learned about Thetahealing September 2018 and started receiving treatments/sessions with regularity for about 8 months.

As the client, it felt like the practitioner was able to detect traumas, pains, hurts, joys and blockages in my energy body that I had never really shared especially not with her.

I will never forget when she was working over my legs (a combo of theta and reiki) and said to me, “What is this red wagon from when you were little?”

She was feeling a red wagon with her hands (healers and all people actually perceive differently. This healer happens to feel things kinesthetically as if she is touching the item or experience whereas I tend to hear, see imagery and feel something in my body as loving truth).

She had uncovered an early traumatic experience from about the age of 2 where I almost drowned when my red wagon (I was obsessed with!) tipped into the pool and I didn’t let go. When they found me under the water, I was still clutching that red wagon. And I used to have dreams when I was younger of what I remembered… Seeing the sky and trees through the water and how beautiful and peaceful it all felt.

Some may say, “How is this possible?”

The short answer is that I don’t have an answer AND it is very very real.

You can’t make this stuff up and when it happens to you as the receiver, it can feel like your body has this instant release or instant knowing.
The longer answer is this…

We are all energetic beings.
My personal experience has been that what we experience in the energetic body shows up in the physical. And what we experience in the physical shows up in the energetic.
Another reason that I am a big believer in tending to our emotional and spiritual wellness and bodies. 

When we experience a trauma, like the red wagon for me, that experience can live in our bodies. I believe in our energetic bodies and in our physical bodies as cellular memories.

Some of what I understand about how our bodies hold trauma is through my personal experiences with trauma, energy work, EMDR therapy and working with clients. And then seeing those experiences reflected in books like "The Body Keeps the Score" or "The Healing Codes." Love when a book helps explain and validate our experiences, you know?

Ok so Theta…

The practitioner, through a meditative state in which the brain goes into theta waves, is able to access the energetic body of the client and is able to feel/notice/see/hear/know what needs to be done.

For me personally, it feels like I am being guided each step of the way. Like a greater force be it God/Source/Spirit/The Field/Greater Consciousness is communicating with me and the client.

It feels like a triangle where the 3 of us are working together and co-creating together. It is very much a practice with respect and consent. I only go where guided and I often check-in with the client to ensure there is a continued feeling of safety and that their intention is being honored in the work.

I always do my best to be a faithful and honest and loving translator of the information. And this is also a practice in allowing myself to be a clear channel and not inserting myself or my ego or my thoughts or opinions. It’s really a time where I am not the “me” that people may know let’s say on a friend level. Those who have received in these sessions explain it really well here.

On a side note, if you are in a session and feeling like something is off, your personal power is being taken away or you feel hella uncomfortable because of how you're being spoken to or touched, then listen to your gut because this practitioner is not the right fit for you and may not be working from a place of love, alignment or ethical foundation. 

Another way to describe Theta that may feel easier to grasp is that through the meditative state of Theta brain waves, one becomes more open to suggestions as if we are massaging some of those neural pathways and patterns and allowing for some shifts. You can read more about that here. 

My niche is belief work. We work together to pinpoint beliefs that feel sticky/heavy/hard and that you feel are creating some level of distrust/blockage in the body. We then work together to encourage the more aligned beliefs to fill that space. If for example the old belief is, “Life is scary” then we work on gently encouraging some new beliefs that feel more honest and empowering to be “downloaded” while also honoring the experiences that may have reinforced these beliefs. There is space for feeling our stuff while also feeling ready for shifts. 

Theta can be immensely helpful on its own or in conjunction with other supports such as therapy, acupuncture, lifestyle change, etc. I benefitted immensely while doing EMDR in conjunction with Theta.

Something that may feel good to know is that I don’t usually remember anything from our sessions when I’m in Theta or in general really. It feels like Source’s way of helping me not to take on what isn’t meant for me. When I work with clients over 12 weeks, this isn’t a hindrance in any way as each session is its own unique experience that is what is needed in that moment.

Lastly, I do want to acknowledge that while I do not feel personally tied to the lineage of Thetahealing, you can read about it here. I feel that Thetahealing is just another modality for Energy Work which has been around for a looooong time in many other cultures, traditions and modalities. I also know that I’ve known how to do this work in some ways before I was “taught” and believe that this has been passed down through my Lebanese and familial lineage. 

Again, if this feels difficult to grasp or hard to access, I totally get it. I’m here for any conversation or questions.

Also, these books may provide some support in better understanding Energy Work and Energy Medicine: "The Power of 8"; "Energy Medicine"; Joe Dispenza’s books and "The Biology of Belief." I am especially fond of "Energy Medicine" because Jill Blakeway who is an experienced and revered acupuncturist takes us on quite the journey and even shares her own moments of shock at what is possible with Energy Work.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and receive it especially if it does not land with you personally. Sending love for however you may be in this moment.

Keep in the SUNSHINE,